A Place For EVERY Woman

My sisters in the Lord, regardless of where you are on your walk with the Father … There is a place for EVERY woman at the foot of the Cross.

Tag Archive for ‘love’

The Letter M

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 God is MAGNETIC! Magnetic is defined as:  possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract If we want God to be near to us, we must first seek to be near to Him.  God even promises to meet us half way!  He promises that as we move towards Him, He will move towards us. What simple instructions, […]

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The Letter E

Eager is defined as: Wanting to do or have something very much; keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing What is something you are eager about?  Is there anyone who you get eager to see?  Can you think of anyone who gets eager to see you? … I can! God is EAGER! He is eager to love, forgive, cleanse, save, and lead you. He’s eager about seeing you […]

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Hooking Up to Jesus

Thank you sweet Jesus for not letting us go beyond what we can bear.  Although sometimes it seems we will be overtaken by temptation, even then You have got our backs, dousing Satan’s fiery darts with Your Living Water, guaranteeing our way out… however it is up to us to make sure our “hose” is hooked up to You, otherwise we will succumb to the temptations and be left feeling […]

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Church-zilla Strikes Again

This devotion is a must read from one of The Encouragement Cafe Writers … Michelle Axton Kelly … titled Church-zilla Strikes again.  This statement captured me … “I realized my insistence on creating the “perfect” morning could destroy everything we had.  And not only on Sundays.  The resentment from those mornings boiled over and impacted how we communicated throughout the week.  Or how we didn’t.” – Michelle Axton Kelly Isn’t […]

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Unneeded and Unwanted

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13 (NASB) Over the past year God has been leading me down a path of selflessness.  It began with God asking me to yield my will over to His and offer myself fully into this ministry.  Since saying yes to Him, He has continuously asked me little by little to die to myself […]

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Spreading His Love

A prayer written by your’s truly, on the day of the Newton Shooting … Our most Gracious Heavenly Father, today I stand in awe of You! You who contain enough power in one breath to speak this beautiful world into existence. This was a place You created to commune with Your most precious creation … Us! You wanted to give us a place where we could worship and fellowship with […]

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